Hair Care

Tip 1) Lace is only a thin piece of fabric that has tiny holes, that hair is attached to. We recommend to always let a professional that knows how to care for lace do so. Frontals and Closures will shed overtime depending on how you care for your extensions. Please be mindful of this.

Tip 2) Before using your extensions you should always co- wash with a moisturizing conditioner. We recommend the “TreSemme 7x Moisture rich conditioner” especially for our curly strands. You may lightly shampoo every two weeks, but be sure to follow up with a moisturizing regular or deep penetrating conditioner.

Tip 3) You must detangle your extensions at least once a week, with a wide tooth comb or detangling brush. Let hair air dry for the best results. You can add a small amount of argon oil or any light weight oil of your choice for added shine & moisture. For our curly and wavy strands adding leave in conditioner and water is all we recommend for the best results!

Tip 4) We DO NOT recommend to use shampoo on curly hair extensions too often, or you may dry them out.

Tip 5) Be Sure to tie up your hair at night with a silk or satin lined bonnet or scarf